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Education Focus Report: Top District Priorities and Shifts in PK-12 Education

New research and insights into the future of education and personalized learning

With the goal of recentering PK-12 conversations starting with what’s most important to school districts, the report represents the findings from:

  • A national survey of more than 3,500 educators
  • In-depth conversations with over 75 practitioners and leaders
  • A comprehensive scan of over 25 mid-to-large U.S. school districts’ strategic plans

The report explores educators' visions of PK-12 education in the coming years, their top priorities for getting there, and how edtech can help.

future of eduation survey results cover with k-12 student using PowerSchool software on a laptop

The Full Report is Live!

It started with a few questions:

  • What are the top common priorities?
  • How have priorities shifted during the pandemic?
  • What is the future of personalized learning?
  • How is technology helping educational experiences?
  • What are key considerations for this school year?

Report Insights

The report highlights insights and analysis from research into how districts weathered changes and challenges over the past two years.

Education Focus Report graphic of 7 top district priorities & shifts in pk-12 education

The report found seven common strategic priorities across U.S. districts: high-quality, tiered instruction; whole-child supports, exceptional workforce, robust family engagement, expanded early childhood learning, graduates prepared for college, career, and life, and organizational excellence and efficiency. The report also highlights two grounding concepts: data-informed decision-making and equitable student supports.

Education Focus Report graphic of 3 top challenges facing school districts in pk-12 education

Educators reveal that technology led to an increase in student engagement, strengthened family involvement, and prioritized modern professional learning needs. Key findings include the emergence of whole-child support as tantamount to students’ academic success.

Christopher Cromwell, Instructional Technology Coordinator at West Chester PA Area School District

This report focuses on the key priorities of schools and districts, elevating educator voices to inform ongoing dialogue about key educational opportunities and challenges ahead. The information included promises to help positively shape the educational experience for educators and students in the years to come.

Download the Executive Summary

7 Takeaways from the Report

View, download, and share the infographic showing some of the most important insights from the Education Focus Report: Top District Priorities and Shifts in PK-12 Education.

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Want to learn more?

Check out our on-demand webinar with industry experts to learn more about several key areas of the Education Focus Report.