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Infographic: Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Verbs Cheat Sheet

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is not a new concept for an innovative educator. This traditional teaching concept helps educators take their students through the traditional stages of classroom practices, behaviors, and actions to master new subjects. Applying the concepts may be challenging for lesson planning, rubric making, or other tasks, in a tech-savvy classroom.

Therefore, we have researched to find the best resource to help strategize applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to a digital classroom planning.

Global Digital Citizen has found that Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (a revised take on Bloom’s devised by educator Andrew Churches) is much more applicable to classrooms using technology. They have shared a brilliant infographic visualizing verbs that can be used from lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) to the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

This cheat sheet below will help in the process of gathering ideas for applying this important concept for planning and assessment!

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